How Many Axis in a CNC Machine? Explained Simply

CNC machines offer an automated machining process. It ensures efficiency and accuracy. CNC machine controls and operates machinery. It has brought a revolution in the manufacturing industry. No matter what individuals are working with metal, wood, or plastic, they should have a basic idea of the types of axes in CNC machines. In the following guide, we will focus on how a 2 axis PLC external CNC machine differs from others.

How Many Axis in a CNC Machine

How Many Axis in CNC Machine?

CNC machine helps in diverse machining processes like drilling, milling, grinding, and turning. This machine has 2 to 5 axes based on the complexity of the machinery. Each axis has a separate role to perform. The primary role of this machine is to simplify complex tasks. Here are the details of how many axis CNC machines explained with their axis configuration:

2-Axis CNC Machine

A 2-axis CNC machine is a basic type of machine that operates because of two main movements, horizontal and vertical. Such type is basically applicable for lucid tasks like drilling flat surfaces. 2 Axis system rotates in the X and Y axes to produce fine shapes and patterns. While axes are moving along, the workpiece stays in one position. This CNC machine is suitable for use in the place where the materials cannot be shifted from one position to another.

Following are the applications of the 2 Axis PLC external CNC machine:

  • Drilling operations
  • Basic milling tasks
  • Engraving
  • Simple 2D cutting tasks

However, 2-Axis CNC machine is efficient when it comes to small-scale operations. For large operations, this CNC machine cannot provide its optimum result.

3-Axis CNC Machine

3-Axis CNC machine works on the Z-axis, helping the machines to produce more fine-tuned shapes. This machine can move vertically, horizontally, and laterally. Used for CNC milling, this machine operates a wide range of tasks with high precision as compared to a 2 axis PLC external CNC machine. With the emergence of the 3-axis machine, the cutting tools have become sharper in producing deep holes, 3D shapes, and intricate patterns.

The application of such a machine is implemented for the following purposes:

  • Complex drilling operations
  • 3D milling
  • Generating prototypes
  • Producing more geometries

3-Axis CNC machine has its limitations as well when it is used for multi-sided parts. For such intricate patterns for multi-sided parts, the industry should look for CNC machines with higher axes.

4-Axis CNC Machine

A 4-axis CNC machine adds a new dimension to the 3-axis machine setup. This new addition gives more power to the workpiece allowing it to produce multi-sided parts. The workpiece does not require any manual repositioning. This feature adds value to the machines in producing complex geometries or multiple operations. A 4-axis CNC machine can operate complicated tasks without any further need for multiple setups.

Check out the applications of 4-Axis CNC machine usage in the following segment:

  • Finishing complex geometries
  • Rotary machining
  • Milling, drilling, and turning operations in multi-sided parts

The extra addition of a fourth axis optimizes the machine for advanced manufacturing processes. Industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical device manufacturing install 4-axis CNC machines.

5-Axis CNC Machine

A 5-axis CNC machine is equipped with five different axes providing more fine edges than the standard 3-axis CNC machine. This machine produces complex shapes and does not require any extra setup. Two axes named B and C rotate in multiple directions when the machine moves in a linear direction. This machine can be used for efficient works like generating intricate patterns.

Here are the applications of 5-axis CNC machine used in the following industries:

  • Aerospace component manufacturing
  • Medical device production
  • Complex geometric part creation
  • Prototypes of intricate designs
  • Used in automotive and defence

5-Axis machines are quite exorbitant in price and are effective for different industries. However, the quality this machine provides is unimaginable because of its enhanced ability to complete complex tasks.

How Many Axis in CNC Machine: The Role of PLC and External Controls

PLC, programmable logic controllers, play an important role in balancing the machine’s operations. An external system controls the PLC machine by allowing real-time adjustments and optimum performance. This system regulates automation and sets the machine’s movements. How many types of CNC machines exist depends on their specific functions and applications. A 2-Axis PLC external CNC machine has two simple axes, which are programmed to deal with specific machining tasks. This machine provides precision and reliability.


The question often surfaces on the types of CNC machine and its axes. This is to ascertain that an individual needs to check the tasks before deciding on CNC machine’s configuration. The basic 2-Axis machine is responsible for finishing the simpler tasks while the high-end tasks require 3-Axis machine and more than that. Each type has its own limitations and the industry experts choose the machine after checking the configuration. The right configuration helps in gaining efficiency in tasks, making the process more quality-driven.

Also Read: What is CNC Angular Grinding Machine? How It Works